As part of NFPA 805 pilot assessments and RIS 04-03 assessments, EPM has utilized the fire models provided in NUREG 1805, “Fire Dynamics Tool (FDTs) Quantitative Fire Hazard Analysis Methods for the U.S. NRC Fire Protection Inspection Program,” to predict the extent of fire damage from various fire sources.
EPM has expertise in state-of-the-art fire modeling software including Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and CFAST.
EPM has utilized fire modeling extensively in support of performance-based analysis. For plants in Canada, tools similar to those found in the EPRI FIVE Methodology (EPRI TR-100370) were used to evaluate the plant hazards and their impact on plant safe shutdown. Fire modeling was used to calculate plume impingement critical distance range, thermal radiant exposure, ceiling jet, and hot gas layer conditions and determine which targets reach damage threshold conditions.
Our Engineering and Risk Solution Services has a cadre of very knowledgeable staff in Fire Modeling services to support plant operations, regulatory issues, and other analysis needs.
Descriptions of techniques and tools include: