- Fire protection Engineering for the Nuclear Power Industry
- Risk-Informed Engineering for the Nuclear Power Industry
- Supply Chain Management
- Safety Classification and Categorization (Q-List/10 CFR 50.69)
- Safe Shutdown Analysis / NFPA 805
- Surveillance Frequency Control Program Support
- Instrument Accuracy and Setpoint Analysis
- Environmental Qualification (EQ/10 CFR 50.49)
- Electrical Engineering Support
- Engineering Program Support
- Design Basis Support
- Licensing and Design Certification Support
- Audit and Inspection Support
Risk-Informed Technical Specifications (RITS) Initiative 5b, implemented via license amendment specified in traveler TSTF-425, allows a utility to relocate surveillance test intervals (STI) or surveillance frequencies (SF) out of Technical Specifications (TS) into a plant-controlled program. After this, the utility can make changes to the STIs without prior NRC approval using a risk-informed process. The process is delineated in NEI 04-10 Rev. 1. Flexibility in test frequency allows the plant to extend and optimize the test frequency of equipment, reducing costs while maintaining equipment reliability. This initiative enhances nuclear safety by reducing equipment wearout due to excessive testing and reducing opportunities for human error during testing and realignment after testing.
EPM staff are engaged in industry meetings of the Risk-Informed Technical Specifications Task Force and its regular discussions on industry implementation of surveillance test extensions. Our team brings experience performing and supporting STI evaluations for a number of utilities. This experience includes direct plant support in terms of data collection, integrated decision-making panel (IDP) support, owner acceptance reviews, etc.
EPM has been integral in the development and eventual approval of STRIDES for systems and procedures with varying complexities, including but not limited to:
- Diesel Generator Operational Starts and Runs
- Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Channel Operating Tests
- Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety Features (ESF) Logic Tests
- Flux Mapping System Tests
- Instrumentation Calibration for
- Valve Stroke Time and Position Verification
- Pump and Valve Leakage Tests
- Power Availability and Breaker Position Verification
- Battery Service Tests