EPM, Inc.

Risk Services

EPM’s Risk Services Team provides:

> Probabilistic Risk Assessment Services:

All aspects of PRA services to the nuclear industry.

> Fire PRA:

A complete scope of Fire PRA development in accordance with state-of-the-art industry methods and practices.

> Fire Modeling:

Fire Modeling services to support plant operations, regulatory issues, and other analysis needs.

> Thermal Hydraulic Analysis:

Thermal hydraulic analysis services to support PRA success criteria and operator action timing.

> Human Reliability Analysis:

Human reliability analysis for internal events and fire risk analysis.

Safety & Systems Analysis

EPM’s Safety and Systems Analysis (S&SA) Team is comprised of engineers in multiple disciplines, including nuclear, electrical, mechanical, civil and chemical. It provides a full spectrum of services in support of utility engineering programs.

S&SA staff have the expertise to assist utilities addressing issues related to regulatory compliance, engineering programs, licensing, and configuration management as well as plant construction, restart, and outages.

Fire Protection Engineering

EPM’s Fire Protection Engineering Team provides a full spectrum of services in support of industrial and commercial fire protection engineering programs. Our experience extends to areas such as:

> Expert guidance resolving issues related to fire protection

EPM’s vast fire protection engineering services include development of both deterministic and performance-based fire protection programs, code consulting, training, fire modeling, fire protection system design, and fire hazards analysis, for all industries.

> Commercial, Industrial, Government and Residential Fire Protection Services

EPM provides fire protection services to a variety of clients, including private firms, public agencies, electric utilities, and government entities, both domestic and international.

> Comprehensive assessments and cost-effective solutions

EPM’s approach and project methodology is simple: identify the problem, recognize a range of alternative solutions, and engineer those solutions to achieve conformance acceptable to the regulator or AHJ in a sound manner at the lowest cost.

> Chemical Process Safety Services

Expert guidance for the mandated elements of Process Safety Management
EPM provides guidance on all elements required under OSHA and EPA for chemical process safety. This includes conducting and documenting a Process Hazard Analysis. We can also help you implement programs for the other elements with our software solutions that can be tailored to your process.

Software & Technology Solutions

EPM’s Software and Technology Solutions (STS) Team develops and provides engineered software applications and tools that support Nuclear, Commercial Fire Protection and Chemical Process Safety Industries. Our primary software applications support Plant Electrical Cable and Raceway Design, Cable Aging Management, Environmental Qualification, Fire Protection, Post Fire Safe Shutdown, Fire Permitting, and Pre-Fire Planning and Equipment Categorization (50.69). Most software applications and tools are embedded with long term compliance configuration controls. EPM’s software applications optimize engineering and business processes to achieve nuclear regulatory compliance in a cost effective manner. EPM understands the challenges associated with engineering automation while maintaining configuration control/management throughout a plant’s life cycle – from design to decommissioning.