The S&SA team has significant experience in all fields of engineering related to nuclear power plant design, maintenance and operation including fire protection licensing, and many of the plants engineering programs. Our multi-discipline engineering staff offers assistance addressing issues related to regulatory compliance, electrical circuit analysis and design, and configuration management for BWR, PWR and CANDU reactors. Many of our staff have been members of various owner’s groups, task forces and industry committees and have a detailed understanding of the current challenges confronting nuclear utilities today. Our Safety & Systems Analysis engineers have exceptional qualifications and significant experience and are available to support any project.
Areas of Expertise include:
- Deterministic and Risk-Informed Performance-Based Safe Shutdown Analysis
- Fire Protection Program Support
- Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis (MAAP, Gothic)
- Electrical Engineering Support
- Safety Classification (Q-List)
- 10 CFR 50.69 System Categorization
- Surveillance Frequency Control Program Support (STRIDEs)
- Environmental Qualification (EQ, 10CFR 50.49)
- Supply Chain Management
- Design Basis Documents and Reconstitution Projects
- Licensing and Design Certification
- Training
- Audits and Assessments