EPM started developing engineered software applications in the early 1980’s. Our original software product, INDMS (Integrated Nuclear Data Management Systems), was developed to support, automate, and analyze a number of functions and engineering programs within a nuclear power plant. INDMS was first licensed to a US utility in 1983.
In the mid 1990’s EPM’s Software team migrated and revamped our legacy INDMS offering to our second generation of software and rebranded it as the Genesis Solution Suite®.
Currently EPM offers and supports our third generation of the Genesis Solution Suite® of engineering software applications using the latest state-of-the-art technologies. The latest version of the software is developed in the Microsoft .Net Framework with Oracle and SQL Server supported databases.

The Engineering Design Intelligent System Operations Network (EDISON) application is a cable, raceway and wire configuration management system, supporting the engineering, design, and construction of new nuclear power plants, and their long-term operations and maintenance.

The System Assurance and Fire Protection Engineering (SAFE) module automates plant-system failure analysis by evaluating the failure consequences of Boolean Logics associated with systems, equipment and cables meeting the requirements for both deterministic and performance based regulations.

The Milieu module of Genesis is a complete Environmental Qualification (EQ) solution. Designed as a configuration management/control engineering tool supporting 10CFR50.49.

The Cable Aging Management Program (CAMP) is a complete cable aging solution designed as a comprehensive, auditable management tool that provides a centralized source of information for cables in the monitoring program.

The Permit Implementation, Logic, Oversight and Tracking (PILOT) software automates administrative fire protection permitting processes for degraded or off-normal conditions.

Visual Intelligent Plans for Emergency Response (VIPER) is a tablet application which is an electronic and intelligent fire plan and critical data center to be used for fire events and fire response organization training.

SAFE With Integrated Fault Tree (SWIFT) is a Genesis application that enables Safe Shutdown program owners, NFPA 805 Engineers and PRA Analysts to automate and maintain fire protection compliance, and efficiently evaluate and document program impact for plant changes using a fault tree model.

SAFE-R Risk Tools is a Genesis application that enables NFPA 805 Engineers and PRA Analysts to maintain fire PRA data, efficiently control FPRA information for risk, insights, significance determinations and quantification while maintaining configuration control in the Genesis environment.

The 50.69 Risk Categorization tool (RISCAT) is a Genesis application that organizes and automates the large amount of data needed for a risk-informed safety categorization effort under 10 CFR 50.69. Using the familiar Genesis user interface, engineers can rapidly assemble the needed information to categorize those safety-related components that are of low safety-significance, thereby reducing costs by taking advantage of allowed alternative treatments.