James Blum, P.E.
Mr. James Blum has over 25 years’ of experience in fire protection engineering consulting support with particular emphasis in the utility industry. As Senior Technical Manager, Mr. Blum has been involved with NFPA 805 Risk-Informed Performance Based Analyses, Fire PRA, Fire Modeling, NFPA Code Compliance Reviews, Fire Protection System Design, Engineering Evaluations, Significance Determination Process, Fire Safety and Fire Hazards Assessments, Combustible Loading Calculations, Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis, RIS 2004-003 Assessments, and Fire Protection Evaluations of Penetration Seals. Mr. Blum has been instrumental in the development of project instructions and tasks plans to support ongoing NFPA 805 related tasks. Mr. Blum has provided onsite assistance during NRC Triennial Inspections, NRC audit support, NFPA 805 fire protection readiness assessments, Fire PRA peer reviews, and F&O Closures. Overseas, Mr. Blum has trained clients in performance-based, risk-informed analyses and evaluation of fire barrier penetration seals.
MS, Fire Protection Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- jeb@epm-inc.com
- Framingham, MA