Mark Schairer, P.E.
Mr. Schairer has over 25 years’ of specialized experience in fire protection engineering and consulting, with a focus in the power and utility industry. As a technical consultant, he has supported and managed multiple Risk-Informed Performance-Based Fire Analysis, NFPA 805 Transitions, Fire PRAs and Fire Risk Evaluations, Fire Modeling, NFPA Code Compliance Reviews, Fire Protection System Design, Fire Protection Safety Assessments, Fire Hazards Analyses, Fire Protection Audit Support, and Peer Reviews.
As a recognized industry fire protection expert and leader, Mr. Schairer has presented technical lectures to the nuclear industry on Performance-Based Fire Analysis, Fire Modeling, and Cost Savings using Risk-Informed Fire Analysis at numerous industry conferences, including for NRC, NEI, ANS, and EPRI. For clients overseas, Mr. Schairer has provided training and consulting in Risk-Informed Performance-Based Fire Protection applications, including fire modeling, and fire protection engineering. He has comprehensive knowledge of fire modeling tools and applications including NIST’s FDS, CFAST, NUREG 1805 Fire Dynamics Tool and EPRI’s FIVE. Mr. Schairer is a Qualified QA Lead Auditor in accordance with ANSI N45.2.23 and ASME NQA-1-2000. Mr. Schairer also holds an SFPE, Member Grade, and is a licensed Fire Protection Engineer.
MS, Fire Protection Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
BS, Civil Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- mvs@epm-inc.com
- Framingham, MA