EPM, Inc.

Paul Ouellette

Vice President, Safety and Systems Analysis

Mr. Paul Ouellette, who started with EPM in 1983, has over forty years of experience in nuclear power industry. Through his involvement on a myriad of projects, he has developed a thorough knowledge of the nuclear regulatory requirements as they pertain to the various engineering program in place at nuclear plants today including safety classification (Q–List), 10 CFR 50 Appendix R, Environmental Qualification (10CFR50.49), USI A–46 Seismic Qualification, Regulatory Guides 1.97 and 1.189, and In–Service Testing. He is currently an active member on NEI’s NFPA 805 and RIEP Task Forces, serves as an alternate on the NFPA-804/805/806 Committee related to performance-based fire protection and also holds SFPE, Member Grade, status. As Vice President of EPM’s S&SA Division, Mr. Ouellette and his team of engineers are currently involved with supporting numerous utility licensees engineering programs and risk informed initiatives including 10 CFR 50.69. Additional projects include Modification Impact Reviews, Surveillance Frequency Control Program Support (5b), Circuit Failure Analysis, Seismic Relay Chatter Evaluations and the resolution to Multiple Spurious Operations (MSO) issues at nuclear plant throughout the US and abroad.

Qualifications : BS, Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University