Shahina Kurien
Ms. Shahina Kurien has over 21 years of experience in developing all aspects of fire protection programs including innovative cost-effective solutions in nuclear industry, for operating, refurbishing, decommissioning, waste management and construction sites. Until recently, Ms. Kurien held the chair position of CANDU Owners Group Fire Protection Workshop & Peer Group and co-chair of WANO’s international Fire Protection Industry Working Group. Ms. Kurien is currently the chair CSA N293 Technical Committee (TC), co-chair of CNS-FSEP International technical conferences and is the vice-chair of CSA N393 TC. In 2024 Ms. Kurien drafted excellence guidelines for hot work fire safety for WANO International Working Group, to be published by INPO in 2025. Ms. Kurien has access to excellent OPEX from a large international network of fire protection personnel and resources.
As the Fire Protection Program Authority for AECL-CNL, Canada until 2015, Ms. Kurien has received the president’s distinguished merit award for developing comprehensive best in class fire protection program at AECL’s (now CNL) Canadian sites, which includes operating, decommissioning and waste management sites. As Fire Protection Senior Technical Officer and Fire Protection Program Manager for Bruce Power from 2015-2024, Ms. Kurien has implemented various cost-effective innovative solutions and alternative compliances to nuclear fire protection codes and standards without compromising safety with 100% acceptance rate from the regulatory body: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC).
- sxk@epm-inc.com
- Toronto, Canada