EPM, Inc.

Vicken Khatchadourian, P.E.

Technical Manager

Mr. Vicken Khatchadourian joined EPM in 2006 and has been providing engineering consulting services to the nuclear utility industry in the United States. Mr. Khatchadourian has provided support for the fire protection programs at several nuclear plants, including plants licensed to 10 CFR 50 Appendix R and plants which have transitioned to NFPA 805 (10 CFR 50.48(c)). His experience includes development of Safe Shutdown Analyses, Non-Power Operational Mode reviews, feasibility assessments for Manual Actions/Recovery Actions, Multiple Spurious Operation (MSO) reviews, Licensing Action reviews, Fire Risk Evaluations, and Fire Hazards Analysis, and NFPA 805 implementation efforts. Mr. Khatchadourian has participated in NRC audits of NFPA 805 License Amendment Requests and Fire Protection Inspections, and has assisted utilities in the development of responses to NRC audit and inspection findings. In addition, he has supported review and update of fire protection assessments for CANDU reactors, in compliance with CSA N293.

Qualifications :
MS, Engineering Management, Tufts University
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Boston University