Vincent Renzi
Mr. Vincent Renzi, who leads EPM’s Engineering & Software Services team, started his career with EPM in 1985. With over 30 years of technical management responsibilities, he has in-depth knowledge of software development, implementation processes, data analysis, data migration and software quality assurance (SQA) requirements for the nuclear power industry. He is an expert in the “Quality Assurance Requirements of Computer Software for Nuclear Facility Applications” (ASME NQA-1, Subpart 2.7). Mr. Renzi is responsible for developing and promoting corporate management policies along with major marketing initiatives both domestically and internationally, and directly reports to EPM’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
Mr. Renzi is has provided guidance and technical support in the development of EPM’s Genesis Solution Suite® engineering software applications. He has experience with migrating EPM’s software applications from their first legacy “character mode green screen” design, to our latest third generation of software applications developed in the Microsoft .Net Framework, supported by Oracle and SQL Server backend database. He has managed many projects related to software customization, data analysis/conversion, software installation, documentation, and training. He has directed the migration and verification activities associated with various client and competitor databases to EPM’s Genesis Solution Suite® of engineering software application databases.
During his 13 year tenure as Vice President of the Software and Technology Solutions team, Mr. Renzi tripled EPM’s Genesis Solution Suite® Domestic and International Software Licensee footprint. Recent international growth has been achieved in People’s Republic of Korea with additional opportunities being developed in China and Europe. Prior to his role as Vice President, Mr. Renzi performed as a Technical Manager and Group Leader on a variety of engineering and software projects.